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Recommended Uses Of Cornerboard

When cornerboard is used to enhance vertical stacking strength, a caliper of 2.5″ x 2.5″ x .225 is recommended. This will be adequate for most packages and loads.

When lengths of cornerboard are used horizontally along the top edges of a package, a leg length of 2″ x 3″ or 2″ x 4″ is recommended, with the 3″ or 4″ leg resting on the top of the package. Having the 3″ or 4″ leg resting on the top of the package lessens the chance that the cornerboard will fall off before it is secured with strapping or stretch-film.

Recommended Uses Of Edge Protectors

When edge protectors are used with stretch wrap to product loads during shipping and storage, a light duty thickness is recommended. When edge protectors are used to provide additional support for double stacking of pallets, a medium duty thickness is recommended.

Note: when edge protectors are used to support the strapping of pallets with more than 2,500 lbs., a heavy duty thickness is recommended.

The above recommendations are typical in many industries, however, a cornerboard.com sales representative can provide additional insight into specific applications.
